Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Banana Berry Smoothie

When summer temperatures spike, I can't hardly fathom hot breakfasts. I am ready for something cold and refreshing right away. Smoothies are a great way to get a cool, easy, and healthy meal first thing in the morning. You can change up the types of fruit to suit what you like and what you have on hand. There's only one given in making smoothies for me--they must have banana. It makes the smoothie creamy, smooth, and rich.

Banana Berry Smoothie
an "Apple a Day" original


1 c. low-fat plain yogurt
1/4 c. skim milk

1 banana, broken into chunks

1/2 c. frozen mixed berries
1 TBSP honey


1. Put all ingredients in the blender and blend until desired consistency is reached. Serves 2.

One year ago:
chocolate chip cookies with hazelnuts and anise biscotti