Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Salad of Strawberries, Goat Cheese and Walnuts

Summer, with its sweltering heat, is definitely a time for crisp, cool salads. I love salads with fruit in them. In the fall, I'll use dried fruit like cranberries, apricots, and raisins. But in the summer, nothing other than fresh fruit will do. I've just got to have tart blackberries, sweet watermelon, zesty orange slices, and juicy strawberries!

You may notice this recipe doesn't have any quantities. That's because I think salads should be left up to the individual. Just throw in however much YOU want and any salad will be a perfect and refreshing summer meal!

summer strawberry salad
Summer Salad with Strawberries, Goat Cheese, and Walnuts
an "Apple a Day" original

chopped romaine or other crisp lettuce
sliced strawberries
goat cheese
spiced nuts
honey balsamic dressing

1. Create a bed of lettuce and arrange berries, cheese, and nuts on top. Drizzle with dressing.

One year ago: Angie's famous strawberry cupcakes--the most incredible strawberry cupcakes you'll ever eat!