Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lemon-Raspberry Scones

Since I started this blog over two years ago (!), I've been fortunate enough to "meet" so many other bloggers.  From time to time, one of my blogging friends will make a call for someone to do a guest post.  Carrie, of Carrie's Sweet Life, did just that.  She hasn't been able to spend as much time in the kitchen as she'd like now that she is a new mommy to a precious little girl.  I'd be willing to guess she's okay with the trade off.

I answered her call for guest bloggers with these springy lemon-raspberry scones.  They came together easily and made a fresh, tasty, and beautiful hostess gift.  If you'd like to try them, go on over to my post on Carrie's blog to get the recipe!

one year ago: fresh strawberry ice cream
two years ago: chicken with lemon and oregano and heavenly lemon angel food cake