Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Cucumber-Lime Margaritas

So where have I been?  Well, that's a bit of a tricky question.  I've kind of been everywhere, actually.  I finished a very challenging school year, got a new job in my school district, went house hunting, started grad school, planned a couple of social events for my Sunday school class, bought a house, and went on two vacations.  It's been a pretty stellar summer.  

I haven't completely stopped cooking.  But with the help of wonderful friends, I've been able to put it on the back burner (and still eat well!) while focusing on all the other exciting changes and blessings I've been working on this summer.  I'd like to say I'll be back to regular blogging again in no time, but with grad school this year, I'm not sure I can make that promise.  My realistic(ish?) goal is once a week, with hopes of posting more often.

So I come to you today with a celebration and concession offering all in one.  Because if a really stellar margarita can't bridge that gap, what can?

These cucumber-lime margaritas, the brain child of one of my all-time favorite chefs and culinary bucket list member, Rick Bayless, are made for sipping all summer long.  They're cool, smooth, refreshing, and just the perfect amount of tart.  I saw them on my sweet friend Josie's blog and immediately knew I'd make them.  In fact, they were already on the menu the day I got my new job, a happy coincidence that made them even better.  Just a warning, though, just like summer, this pitcher of goodness will go so, so quickly.  You've been warned.   

cucumber margaritas

Cucumber-Lime Margaritas
originally from Rick Bayless, Fiesta at Rick's
adapted by Pink Parsley

up to 1 c. simple syrup (from 1 c. water and 1 c. granulated sugar)
2 English (hothouse) cucumbers, peeled, seeded, and thinly sliced (for 3 c. slices)
1 1/2 c. silver tequila
1 1/4 c. fresh lime juice
lime wedge for moistening glass rims
coarse Kosher salt for glass rims
ice cubes
cucumber slices, for garnish, optional

1.  To make the simple syrup, combine water and sugar in a small saucepan over medium heat.  Warm together, stirring frequently, until mixture is clear.  Cool completely, preferably overnight in the refrigerator, before using.

2.  In a blender, combine cucumber, tequila, lime juice, and 3/4 c. simple syrup.  Purée until mixture is smooth.  Strain into a pitcher.  Taste and add more simple syrup, if desired.  Cover and refrigerate until fully chilled, about 1 hour.

3.  To serve, moisten glass rims with the lime wedge and salt by dipping into a shallow plate of salt, if desired.  Fill each glass halfway with ice, pour in margarita, and garnish with a cucumber slice.  Enjoy!

Yield: 6 (6-oz.) margaritas