Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Instagram + Feedly = Two New Ways to Get Your Apple a Day

So, as it turns out, the changes I was planning to bring about are going to be a little slower coming than I'd originally hoped.  I'm a little bummed about it, but like that awesome 80's ketchup commercial starring a pre-Joey Tribiani Matt LeBlanc taught us, the best things come to those who wait.  In the meantime, I've got three fun tidbits to share with you all.

First of all, Apple a Day is now on Instagram.  Hooray!  I tried it in the past and just didn't really stick with it, but I'm back on now and I'm super hooked.  My (very original) handle is appleadayblog.  You can either search for me or click here to see my profile and start following.  I'd love for you to join me!

Secondly, I am so proud to be one of BlogHer Food's newest featured publishers.  If you're not familiar with the BlogHer Network, you should really go check it out.  The 55 million incredibly talented female bloggers they've brought together touch on nearly every topic imaginable.  Food, news, career, politics, family, and romance--it's all there.  

Finally, as I'm sure you're all aware, Google Reader will be going bye bye bye (someone please tell me they heard that a la N*Sync) at the end of this month.  There was quite the hullabaloo about it when the announcement was first made, but things have settled down a bit and the two general front runners for replacement readers seem to be Feedly and Blog Lovin.  I've spent some time with both of them and can honestly say they're both good replacements.  But for me, Feedly is tops.  

The format is more visually appealing and I loved how easy it was to follow their tutorial for switching from Google Reader.  In addition, I'm a fan of the streamlined process for searching for and adding new blogs.  

Just click on the magnifying glass in the upper-righthand corner, type the name of the blog, and click the plus sign.  If you've created categories for your blogs, you can place the new blog in its proper place as you're adding it.  If you've been following me on Google Reader, please make sure you choose your new reader and add Apple a Day by the end of this month.  I wouldn't want you to miss a post!