Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Chicken and Zucchini Pizza

Now this one is a trip down memory lane.  

Back in my college days at American University (Go Eagles!) I ate the usual college diet of dining hall food (ours actually wasn't that bad), Chinese take out, Papa Johns, and midnight runs to Krispy Kreme.  I also loved to run through our students union for quick pick ups lunches in between classes.  The Marketplace, as it was called then, was a popular place.  Not only were they the only place on campus with mango Snapple, they also had delicious Greek and Southwestern chicken wraps.  And this pizza...

Oh how I loved my chicken and zucchini pizza.  I'm sure it was the pesto that first sucked me in.  The zucchini was enough to make me buy it.  Once I had a bite, it was my favorite.  They only sold this particular pizza once in a blue moon, but I checked almost every day and bought it whenever I saw it.

I remembered this pizza the other day and knew I had to make it.  I'm so glad I did.  It made me smile and laugh thinking about my college days back in D.C.  Pizza with a side of nostalgia...can't beat it.

chicken zucchini pizza

Chicken and Zucchini Pizza
an "Apple a Day" original

1/2 recipe basic pizza dough
2 TBSP cornmeal
1-2 tsp. olive oil
3/4 c. pesto, either store bought or homemade
1/2 c. shredded mozzarella cheese
1/4 c. crumbled feta cheese
1 c. cooked chicken, cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1/2 small zucchini, sliced into 1/4-inch thick rounds
1/2 small yellow or summer squash, sliced into 1/4-inch thick rounds
salt, pepper, and red pepper flakes to taste

1.  Preheat the oven and pizza stone to 500 degrees for at least 30 minutes.  

2.  Sprinkle your shaping surface lightly with cornmeal, then shape with lightly floured hands.  Transfer dough to pizza stone or pizza peel, if you have one.  Brush the outer edge with olive oil.

3.  Spread pesto over crust, then top with the pesto, cheeses, chicken, and zucchini.  Finish with salt and peppers, according to taste. 

4.  If using a pizza peel, transfer pizza to stone and bake for 10-13 minutes, or until crust is lightly golden brown.  Let cool three minutes before serving.

one year ago: frittata with zucchini and goat cheese and simple arugula salad with M's favorite lemony vinaigrette
two years ago: aromatic noodles with peanut-lime sauce and raspberry ebelskivers