Sunday, August 22, 2010

Summer Zucchini and Vegetable Tian

Each ingredient in this delicious vegetable dish would rank among my favorites.  I've had it bookmarked to make since the day I my mom gave me this cookbook.  It's been tough to wait, but I knew it would be best if I used summer zucchini and tomatoes during their peak season.  And readers, it was sooo worth the wait.  Lucky for you, now's the season and you don't have to wait!

zucchini tomato tian

Summer Zucchini and Vegetable Tian
adapted from Williams-Sonoma, Cooking from the Farmers' Market

2 TBSP olive oil
canola oil cooking spray
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 red onion, sliced
salt and freshly ground pepper
3/4 lb. Roma tomatoes, sliced
3/4 lb. zucchini, sliced
1 TBSP minced fresh basil
1 TBSP minced fresh marjoram or thyme
1/4 c. chicken broth or water

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farenheit.  Spray a shallow two-quart baking dish with the cooking spray.

2.  In a frying pan over medium heat, warm the 2 TBSP olive oil.  Add the onion and garlic and saute slowly, until soft, about ten minutes.  Transfer the mixture to the baking dish, spreading evenly over the bottom.  Season with salt and pepper.

3.  Arrange the tomato and zucchini slices over the onion in alternating rows.  Sprinkle with the basil and pepper.  Pour the broth over the top.

4.  Cover and bake until the vegetables are bubbling and tender, about 30 minutes.  Remove from the oven, uncover, and bake ten minutes more.  Serves 4-6.