Monday, July 12, 2010

31 While 31--Bumbleberry Pie

When I was drafting my "30 Things to Make While I'm 30" list, I very purposely included a berry pie.  I didn't specify the type of berry, but I knew I wanted the pie on my list.  Why?  Because I love berry pies and have never had much success in making them.  Oh sure, I've made a tasty apple-cranberry pie and an out-of-this-world pear pie with maple and ginger, but berry pies have proven to be more difficult for me.  Until now.

This bumbleberry pie was absolutely, positively, 110% a success!  The various thickening agents provided a perfectly set but not gelatinous filling and the pie crust recipe was flaky and buttery, yet sturdy enough to handle this pie.  Best of all, the combination of berries and fruit was just perfect.  The flavors really melded together to create a sweet and tart mixture that tasted natural and summery. 

I was so pleased with this pie, I decided to submit it to "You Want Pies With That?"  The July theme happened to be summer berry pies and I knew I had to share this recipe.  I will absolutely be making this again!

Bumbleberry Pie
adapted from

1 recipe pate brisee
1 c. blueberries
1 c. raspberries
1 c. strawberries, hulled and cut into one-inch pieces
1 c. Macintosh of Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and cut into one-inch pieces
1 c. rhubarb, trimmed and cut into one-inch pieces (about two stalks)
1 TBSP lemon juice
1 c. granulated sugar (I used half vanilla sugar and half regular)
1/3 c. all-purpose flour, plus more for dusting
1 TBSP tapioca
1 egg
1 TBSP water
1 TBSP turbinado sugar

1.  Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farenheit.  Remove pate brisee from the refrigerator and allow to warm very slightly.

2.  In a large bowl, gently mix all fruits with the lemon juice.

3.  In a medium bowl, whisk together sugar, flour, and tapioca.  Sprinkle over berries and stir very gently to coat.

4.  On a floured work surface, roll out one disk of pate brisee.  Lay in the bottom of a deep pie dish and smooth into the edges.  Leave the overhang.  Roll out the second disk.  If using mini cutters to create a design, do so now.  Leave to the side.

5.  Fill pie dish with fruit mixture.  Lay the top crust on top of the mixture.  Using a paring knife, trim extra crust, leaving a half-inch overhang.  Crimp edges by folding top crust under the bottom crust.  Seal by pressing gently with a fork or your fingers.  If not using mini cutters, use the paring knife to cut slits in the top.

6.  Whisk together the egg and water to create an egg wash.  Brush over the top of the pie.  Bake pie for 40 minutes.  Remove and sprinkle on turbinado sugar, if desired.  Bake for 15-20 minutes more.  Remove and allow to cool at least three hours on a wire rack before serving.