Thursday, January 7, 2010

Katie's REAL Hummus

I got this recipe from Katie's blog, Good Things Catered, so I had no doubt it would be delicious. Boy was it! It was so easy and oh so yummy. It was a perfect side dish to Elly's delicious chicken gyros.  As Katie says, this recipe is more of a guideline; it will adjust depending on the strength of the lemon, garlic, and tahini you're using. Just be sure to take a couple of tastes along the way and it will turn out perfectly to your liking!

Katie's REAL Hummus
from Good Things Catered
printer-friendly recipe

1 (12 oz.) can chickpeas
1-2 large cloves garlic
2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
2 tsp+ tahini (sesame paste)
juice of 1 lemon
1/4 tsp. salt

1. Drain water from the can of chick peas into a small bowl and reserve.

2. In a food processor or blender, mix together the chickpeas with the remaining rest of the ingredients, being careful to add second half of lemon juice and tahini slowly, stopping to taste.

3. Slowly add some of the reserved liquid from beans and a bit of water for correct consistency,(about 1-2 minutes) until a smooth, slightly fluid paste is formed.

4. Refrigerate for at least 30 mins before serving. This changes the taste of the hummus by allowing the flavors to form.

***Note: to dress the hummus up for the table, the traditional way of serving is on a plate, with an extra drizzle of olive oil on top and a sprinkle of paprika and chopped parsley.

One year ago: chicken piccata