Friday, December 23, 2011

A Holiday Wish

I don't have a recipe to share with you all today.  I'm sorry about that.  It isn't that I haven't been in the kitchen--we all know that's wonderfully impossible during the holidays.  It's just I've been given a couple of gifts this year that have (very gladly) taken my time.  First of all, my little brother, an Army soldier stationed in Italy, has gotten a two week leave and arrived home to American soil Tuesday night.   As if that wasn't fantastic enough, my husband has been given a few surprise days off of work.  Having this much time together is rare and I want to soak up every moment of it.  

I hope all of you are as fortunate as I am this holiday season.  Whatever holiday you celebrate, I pray it is wondrous, magical, and filled with delicious food, deep belly laughs, and the love and comfort of family.